Flower Blog
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

today, e maths tr said something that inspired me.
she said that it's ok if u fail for the first 3 terms ( 60%)
work harder for eoys (40%) as it is almost half the whole thing,
it'll pull the whole average up.
So there'll still be possibility that u will pass the subject overall. :)

That means hope in passing the failed subjects.
So, never give up and persevere on,
keep on practicing and finally,
one day, i'll be able to pass!
So don't give up and gambatte!
Work harder! Jia yous!

11:07 PM

Monday, August 24, 2009

i don't know what's happening to me
why is it that others can do it while i can't.
why others can score super high marks in tests
while i could not.
did i not work hard enough?

why others can pass while i can't
am i that hopeless
or am i that stupid.
why can't i do it

i've always been doing fine
for past few years,
why did i start to screw up so much this year?
What on earth happend to me?
Did i become dumber?

- stupid
- dumb
- useless/ hopeless

10:53 PM