Thursday, July 31, 2008

I need a hug. Seriously, i need one. A lot of things have happened these days. Depressed, joyful, ecstatic, confused, urge, tired, etc. Sometimes i wonder why on earth am i on earth? What is the purpose of me being on earth. Not that i have done anything to make an impact on someone else's life. Not like I am going to change the world or do something really that great.
I can't seem to do well in anything. Academic, music, all either just pass or pass the merit a little. Sometimes i really wish that i can succeed and do very well in something. I don't seem to be talented although i am in the first class.
Everyday is like a train rushing to some other places. Always doing stuff. Do homework, revise my work, practice the piano or the violin, cca, enrichment classes, tuition. Not enough time to do what i like or even sleep. I know, we have to manage our own time. But it seems that everytime i arrange my time, it's always for studying or playing the piano. Sighs... Can't i have 1 day, just 1 day for me to do whatever i want?
Sometimes, i feel so tired of everything that i just want to drop off dead, don't want to live anymore. 死掉算了。I just want to drop everything i'm doing and all my worries and go to sleep. When would that day come? Someone hug me before i drop off...
9:52 PM
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
I'm back. Realised that i've not blogged for a week. Must do homework before ms yang yingjia reprimands me for not doing my homework. I'm an hardworking and good girl. Haha...
Performed for the graduand's thanksgiving service last Friday. The violin. Yes, the violin. First violin performance... It was great as i finally managed to memorise my score and play the songs with expression. Haha... We played for the prelude and postlude. A bit odd to play sde to joy for the arrival of mrs lee though. Haha... Then, when the people were singing the school song, mr ng dragged us out. We practiced outside the concert hall. Just as we were going into the hall, my violin died on me! Ah!!! How can it do this to me? It went out of tune. And it's A string, the most important string of the song! I was so sad, depressed and desperate. (Wow... I pass my lit. Haha...) For the next few days, i was really sad. My violin had never went out of tune before! :(
But miraculously, I managed to tune it back with the help of my piano. Haha...
On saturday, i went to watch Singbellz 08. It's great and fun. Mr Ko played a piece on handbells all by himself! So cool! And they played amazing grace using handbells and violin! That's cool too! Oh. There's a duet. Mr Ko played this song with another woman. They looked as if they were dancing when they were playing the song. So cool! Haha... Ok. I know i've been saying that phrase. Haha... Then, the HK embellishment played the song, can't take my eyes off you. I didn't know that handbells can play such pop songs! That's very nice! Haha... I enjoyed myself during the concert. Oh. And i have to write an essay about it... Sighs... Haha...
Today's the last session for the life science enrichment course. So sad. I enjoyed myself during the course. Made chocolate, lip balm and soap today. So fun. Haha... And we practiced the violin for the whole 2 periods of music with Mr Ng telling us that we're playing horribly and that there are 6 more weeks to the exam. Sighs... I promise that i'll practice the violin real hard after this term's common test, can? I miss handbells... Ok. I know this is random... Haha...
Ok. Got to go. Have to study for history comparison and reliability test. Bye...
9:22 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
"All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers."
I saw this quote at the MRT station yesterday. Quite interesting.
So, if we dream more, will we become great and successful people? Haha...
So people, keep on dreaming and we will achieve great things in future! Haha...
(I think I've gone crazy. Study too hard and went nocturnal too amny nights already. Maybe cos of that... Haha...)
10:12 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Ok. I'm back. I'm blogging cos yingjia says my blog is not updated enough. Look chicken, i blogged. Haha... Went to watch magicbox last saturday. It's nice. This is the first live show that i have ever watched in my life. I have enjoyed myself. If i have the chance, I would want to watch it again! :)
Went nocturnal for every night this whole week. So now i'm like going to fall sick soon. I think. Started coughing, felt feverish. Not a good sign. Next week is a busy week so i can't afford to fall sick. Next tuesday is a very busy day. After violin lesson, i have science enrichment. Then, i have to rush home and go for MEP concert at ACS(I). Friday, I have to play the violin for this graduation night for the last year sec 4s. Saturday afternoon, i have to attend this Handbell concert. Yay!!! :) Can't wait to go for this concert! :)
9:43 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I'm jealous now, green with envy. PL had launched the Centre of Excellence yesterday and Handbells performed. Yay! They said we'll be playing 3 songs. And i'm playing in one of the 3 songs. Playing trampin. Then, later, they suddenly say don't want to play trampin. So i'm not playing anything. So angry. I hate it when i don't play or play a small part in the song. Sad... :(
But at least i got something to do throughout the 2 hours? Visited the Haig Girls' primary handbells booth, taught little kids how to play the bells, etc. Quite fun actually. But if i had a part to play, it'll be more fun... Sighs... ok. Got to go... Bye...
8:05 AM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I'm finally back. Term 3 has started. Ok, I'm slow. I know it started 2 weeks ago.
First week, i had camp and it's real fun! I miss camp! Then, I rushed through the climate change proposal. I even missed cca cos of this! So sad! Now, I'm relieved that it's over. Just pray hard that we'll get into the finals. (Although I dun have much confidence that we will... Haha...)
Second week, which is this week, I rushed through history project, managed to finish it on time. Heng. But i have to miss handbell prac again cos of the maths enrichment at NUS about graph colouring. I must say that this is the first lecture that I actually understand! Haha... Then yesterday, we had this exchange programme with the HK handbell ppl. We had fun. I made a new friend too. Haha... That's all for now. Bye...
(I passed my summary. I actually have many things to talk about ok... Haha...)
10:40 PM